Batman Art Deco Gotham City Signal Men's T-Shirt

Batman Art Deco Gotham City Signal Men's T-Shirt

AUD $54.95
Size: Medium

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Product Description

If "murder victim" is a personal aspiration, Gotham City is your vacation destination. Yes, Gotham City is well-known for its grand, towering spires and its bold, angular, geometric architecture bathed in occasional splashes of flowering baroque art.  Unfortunately, it also has the Joker, Killer Croc, and about 75 more elaborately themed criminals looking to mangle your body in some form of brutal ritual killing. Thankfully, besides the beautiful spires and the intimate chiaroscuro of partially lit alleyways, there's Batman -- he's a natural extension of Gotham's pointy peaks. Made from 100% cotton, our  Batman Art Deco Gotham City Signal Men's T-Shirt features a faux-promotional image conveying Gotham's Art Deco landscape. And yes, above the silhouetted spires floats the glowing Bat Signal. Perched upon a close-by spire, one very attentive Batman. Yes, this Batman t-shirt presents the goodness of Gotham City -- it's up to YOU to recognize the dangers, and pack extra mace.

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