Batman Hush Batcave with Catwoman Men's T-Shirt

Batman Hush Batcave with Catwoman Men's T-Shirt

AUD $31.95
Size: Medium

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Product Description

It's that iconic shot of the Batcave courtesy of Jim Lee! And, Jim Lee's iconic shot is courtesy of the hit Batman story arc, "HUSH." Because Jim Lee provided the immaculate covers and interior art for -- that's right -- the hit Batman story arc "HUSH." Made from 100% cotton, our  Batman Hush Batcave with Catwoman Men's T-Shirt features a sizable and expertly translated image pulled directly from the "HUSH"-focused issues of Batman's self-titled comic series. And yes, one of the more interesting subplots was Batman's "escalated" relationship with Catwoman. I mean, she's obviously in the cave, so they're at least making out. So, if you're looking for a nifty men's Batman t-shirt with a precisely illustrated Batman perpetually doused in ominous shadow, this particular Batman tee should sate that need quite nicely. Also, make it a point to read "HUSH." Although the story hit in 2002, it still holds up. Oh, and there are, like, 450 different collected versions available right now.

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