Captain America Shield Repeat 1.25 Women's Web Belt

Captain America Shield Repeat 1.25 Women's Web Belt

AUD $32.95
Title: Captain America Shield Repeat 1.25 Women's Web Belt

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Product Description

How many Captain America shields can you fit on a web belt? On our first try, we layered this women's web belt with 150,000 shield symbols, but they were nearly microscopic, so we went back to the drawing board. On our second try, we hit the perfect shield-to-web-belt ratio -- take a gander at our  Captain America Shield Repeat 1.25 Women's Web Belt.  Made from resilient web belt material, this Captain America belt for women features an organized row of repeating Cap shields. And, being a web belt, it's an adjustable, pants-securing implement. Solid metal buckle ! Yes, it's a solid-metal buckle layered in a blinding and reflective chrome.

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