Yes, we get it -- THE INFINITY GAUNTLET CONTAINS INFINITE POWER!!!! Yes, the "Infinity Gauntlet" is affixed with the legendary Infinity Stones -- timeless, infinitely powerful gems that command the fundamental (and mostly abstract) aspects of reality. So, infinitely powerful gems affixed to a mighty gauntlet constructed -- under duress -- by the Dwarves of Nidavellir implies....what, exactly? INFINITE POWER! Still not getting it? Here, check out our Infinity War Thanos Infinite Power Men's Tank Top . It tells you EXACLTY how much power we're talking about while providing light, airy, and by no means redundant summer-wear. Made from a blend of 90% cotton and 10% spandex, this Infinity War tank top for men features said gleaming gauntlet rendered in smoky grays, milky whites, and deep, discerning blacks. Above said gauntlet, the following words that have never before adorned a piece of Infinity War apparel: INFINITE POWER! Yes, this Infinity War tank once again enables Thanos' unrelenting "flexing" as he -- once again -- reminds us of the Infinity Gauntlet's not-at-all-modest power levels.