Superman Women's Super Mom T-Shirt

Superman Women's Super Mom T-Shirt

AUD $60.95
Size: Medium

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Product Description

Made from 100% cotton, here's a Women's cut, woman's t-shirt adorned with the Superman symbol and....waitasec.  I mean, adorned with the symbol of...uh..."Super Mom," apparently. Yeah, 'cause...that's ...uh...a Super Mom t-shirt there.  Yeah. Super Mom is a lot like Superman.  Yeah, that's what the tee is trying to say. Yeah.  'Cause your mom...shoots stored solar radiation out of her eyes through any test paper marked with anything less than a "B-."  Yep.  Anyway, let's celebrate Mom and all the wonderful things she does for you, like.....flying you outside of the Earth's atmosphere until you AGREE TO EAT YOUR BEANS! How can she hear you concede in space?  Just..uh...just hit the signal watch.

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